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5 Tips to ensure your Corporate Office Flowers look their best for the Whole Week!

Updated: Mar 9, 2022

Australian Native Floral Arrangement by Soul Design

Here are 5 tips to ensure your Fresh Corporate Office Flowers look their best for the Whole Working Week;

1. Delivery is Crucial!

Make sure your Flowers are looking Fresh at your busiest time!

If you are open Monday to Friday - Fresh Flowers should be delivered on Monday (preferably by your opening time!) so you have them looking their best.

Most office schedule their weekly meetings on Monday Morning - this is when the focus goals are set for the week.

Make sure your Flowers are looking fresh and chirpy for the Monday morning focus meetings.

If your business is in hospitality - your busiest time of week is Friday afternoon - Saturday night - Making sure your flowers are delivered fresh on Friday morning will look their best for your busiest time of trading.

2. Fresh Flowers need Fresh Water every second day

The following maintenance is for Fresh Flowers in Vases, Water Viles or Floral Foam

Fresh Water for your Flowers every second Day
  • Ensure your vase is clean! If your Florist is using their vase, it should be clean! if

you are using your Office Flower Vase make sure it is Clean! Bacteria grows at amazing rates which will shorten the vase life of your flowers. Best way to clean is warm water with washing detergent - as you would do with your coffee cup - make sure it is thoroughly rinsed after being washed.

  • Fresh Water Please! - every second day! Otherwise bacteria will form and grow thus reducing the lifespan of your floral arrangement. Ask your Florist the best way to remove the flower arrangement from your vase and put it back in after replacing the water. Most Florists tie the flowers and foliage together at the neck of the stems just underneath the design - known as the 'binding point'. If the arrangement is bound, it will be much easier to remove and replace in the vase once the water is changed. If you have water viles rather than a vase, ensure the water viles are refilled each day. Ask your Florist for the best way to keep fresh water in the arrangement.

  • Flowers not in a Vase? If the flowers are not in a vase, they may be in Floral Foam. This is a green spongey membrane Florists use to secure flowers and foliage in their correct placement. Flower arrangements in Florist foam are designed to stay in the foam and best not removed. The best way to prolong the life of flowers in floral foam otherwise known as base medium is to ensure the water is topped up on a daily basis. Test the moisture level of the foam by touching the foam. Slowly pour fresh water onto the foam - if this is done quickly the foam will not absorb the water quickly enough and the water will spill over the base of the arrangement making a mess on your table. As water is added, the foam will absorb. Ensure the foam is moist and keep it topped up each day.

  • Cut the Stems 2cm If possible each time the water is changed - this will prolong the life of your flowers. Best not to use garden sheers rather than office scissors which will otherwise become blunt.

3. Choose Long Lasting Flowers

If all your blooms are open fully when they are delivered - you can be pretty sure they won't last the week ..... unless they are artificial flowers!

Although roses are a beautiful flower, they don't really like air conditioning.

Australian Native Floral Arrangement by Soul Design

Lilies are lovely but if they are all open they won't look their best at the end of the week - ensure stamen is removed from the centre of open lilies as they open - this will reduce your chances of having stains on your table top. As the flower matures, stamen drops and can easily stain hard and soft furnishings and clothing it touches.

If lilies are a favourite, ask your Florist to ensure there are just a few open lilies and most closed. Generally good quality lilies can last up to two weeks if they have closed buds when you receive them.

Australian Native Flowers are a Long Lasting Favourite! Most are hardy and fight to the end of two weeks, sometimes even longer! The leaves of Australian Native Flowers are the first to turn a brownish tinge and they can have a slight odour if left on the stem. Browned leaves can be removed by gently pulling them off with your finger and thumb.

4. Giving new life to your maturing flower arrangement

Flower stems such as Lilies, Lisianthus and Gladiolus have several flowers on one stem. By cutting off matured / wilted flowers you will revitalise the stems by giving more nutrients to the new blooms and a fresh stem look.

As flowers mature and no longer compliment the floral arrangement, carefully remove the old bloom which will create a fresher look.

Positioning of fresh flowers is important - Soul Design offers tips to keep your flowers looking their best

5. Positioning is Important

Fresh Flowers will last longer if they are carefully placed;

  • away from an air conditioning vent - many flowers do not perform well in air


  • in a lit room - flowers need light - flowers like tulips and hyacinth continue to grow while in the vase toward the light source

  • away from maturing fruit - maturing fruit creates ethylene gas which reduces the life of many types ethylene sensitive flowers including roses

  • away from direct sunlight - indirect sunlight is perfect in most cases

In Summary

Keep your Corporate Flower Arrangement looking fresh by giving your fresh flowers a little bit of TLC including regular fresh water, cutting stems by about 2cm each time the water is changed if possible, removing spent blooms, placing the flowers in a light room away from air conditioning vents and food.

Sign up for more Flower Tips and Tricks which Soul Design will be releasing.

Make sure your are Receiving Value from your Fresh Corporate Flowers.

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