Linda Taneja Awarded GOLD MEDAL
International FREESIA Sustainability Innovative Design
Our Roots .....
Founder and CEO of Soul Design, Australian born and bred Linda Taneja (Maiden: Barnes), proudly 8 generations in this great land, grew up in country NSW.
Moving to the big smoke (Sydney) which is totally different to life in the bush was challenging and this was just the beginning!
With entrepreneur parents filled with the great Aussie spirit of not giving up, being a family member, you learn to adapt and embrace the new.
The sowing of the seed!
Although, they were moving to the big smoke to flee the drought, they would not have had any idea the impact instilled on their children.
It created a fighting strength which all 5 children have embraced.
After school, Linda joined the family business and learnt much from her Father who is very particular when it comes to doing things properly. This is where the attention to detail became an important element.
The Seedling emerged and evolved
In 2003, while living in Singapore on an overseas posting, Linda, armed with a Bachelor of Business from University of Western Sydney, commenced operation of the family business, Soul Design.
With a love for nature the seedling emerged and transformed over the years since returning home to Australia.
Being able to share the love of nature in our family business is truly pleasing.
In summary;
2003 Registered Soul Design in Singapore
2006 Relocated back to Australia, our home
2010 Research for high quality hand crafted flowers
2012 New range of flowers became a major part of the business
2014 Graduated with Professional Floristry
Certificate III
2015 Graduated with Advanced Floristry
Certificate IV
2015 Awarded 'Bernie Gadd Memorial Award for Creative Innovation & Initiative
2016 till NOW - Ongoing development of techniques and training with Australian International Floral Designer Mr Mark Pampling and International World Renowned Floral Designer Mr Gregor Lersch
2017 Awarded PFA NSW - 1st Prize - Royal Easter Show
2018 Awarded RAS NSW - 2nd Prize - National Designer Team (Jeff Smith & Linda Taneja) - Royal Easter Show
2019 Graduated with Horticulture Certificate III
2021 Graduated Credit Level, Diploma of Landscape Design
2022 Awarded FREESIA - Top 10 - Eco Sustainable Sympathy Design
2022 Awarded FREESIA - Gold Medal - Sustainable Innovative Event Design
The business continues to blossom working on exciting projects within the Construction Industry, refurbishments, Clubs, Schools, Aged Care, Shopping Centres, Commercial Offices and Restaurants.
Soul Design takes pride and care in every project with a diversified range of skills and materials on offer.
We offer a niche set of services including Landscape Design, Floristry and Plantscape Design / Installation with versatility of design skills which we are very proud to be able to offer our clients.
(Photograph of Linda by Dominik Ketz)

The Name
Soul Design
Formulating the name of our business needed to reflect our commitment, loyalty, trust and honesty.
It needed to encompass passion and attention to detail together with a yearning to share goodness and beauty.
Our work is in Design derived from the Soul.
Our Name is
Soul Design.